Welcome to the International Symbiosis Society

The Society works to promote the integrative discipline of symbiosis.  This advocacy includes building connections among   researchers   in   the   various   symbiotic   sub-fields involving organisms from all three domains of life. The breadth of the research spans the biological continuum from molecules to biomes, and includes a diverse array of habitats such as marine, alpine, geothermal soil, desert, caves and freshwater. We seek to foster further research support in these fields and expand into new fields.

The ISS is also strongly committed to the integrating of symbiosis into both pre-college and university life and earth science curriculums. We believe that in order to best understand and work with earth systems, it is essential that students of a wide variety of ages and backgrounds learn about symbiotic systems and their profound impacts.

It was the tireless efforts of the distinguished Israeli biologist, Margalith Galun which led to the

founding in1986 of the journal Symbiosis, the first scientific journal solely devoted to the subject in all its aspects. She was also the central figure, 5 years later, in organising the first International Congress on Symbiosis in Jerusalem in 1991, which attracted 250 participants from 27 countries.

We  have  grown  a  great  deal  in  the  past  several  years, building particularly upon successful International Symbiosis Society Congresses held in Halifax, Canada (2003); Vienna,Austria (2006); Madison, USA (2009); Krakow, Poland (2012); and Lisbon, Portugal (2015). Membership supports the regularly updated informative ISS website. Members have online access to the peer-reviewed journal Symbiosis and greatly reduced registration costs for the international symbiosis congresses held every three years. Membership also supports symbiosis education workshops, excursions, web site maintenance, and outreach to other science researchers, scientific societies and the media.

We urge you to join your symbiosis colleagues and become involved in a dynamic and progressive society.

Simon Davy, President, International Symbiosis Society, simon.davy@vuw.ac.nz

Executive Committee: Patricia Stock (Vice president), Sharon Doty (Vice president), Manju M. Gupta (Vice president for Website), Alok Adholeya (Secretary), Martin Kaltenpoth (Treasurer)

Supporting Councilors: Daniele Armaleo, USA; Birgitta Bergman, Sweden; Paola Bonfante, Italy; Monika Bright, Austria;
Angela Douglas,  USA;  Nicole Dubilier, Germany;  Betsey Dyer, USA; Takema Fukatsu, Japan; John Lee,  USA; Francois  Lutzoni, USA; Ove  Hoegh-Guldberg, Australia; Margaret  McFall-Ngai, USA; David Richardson, Canada; Mary Rumpho, USA; Katarzyna Turnau, Poland.

© International Symbiosis Society

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